Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Repost - Plano Academic Accountability?

I am reposting this blog becauses parents and teachers ask me about this the most.

Cheating? No Homework? No Problem In Plano ISD

“According to several Plano Independent School District teachers, they have been informed that beginning next school year, homework will no longer be required for middle school students. And the grades for homework assignments that are assigned will not apply to students' report card grades...

Teachers say there are also some proposed changes concerning cheating, or as the district refers to it, "academic dishonesty." If a middle school student is caught cheating, he or she would be allowed to redo the assignment or complete an alternate assignment. Currently, students caught cheating in the Plano ISD are given a grade of zero on that assignment.”

Although I didn’t see the original airing on CBS last week, a concerned parent approached me with this story at a candidate forum on Tuesday. In disbelief, I promised to look into the matter. The story aired again yesterday morning on Fox 4 while I was traveling to a client in Oklahoma City. As early as 7:00 am, I started receiving calls, text messages and emails from several upset parents.

I have been told by a school district official that I trust that this came about as an open discussion of ideas and options and the recommendation for this type of homework - grading policy shift has not made it to the executive staff or the school board. Regardless, I want to make it very clear to parents, teachers, and taxpayers that I DO NOT support any of the reported changes in homework and grading policies.

Homework is an important aspect of real life learning. Removing homework removes the ability for students to think outside the classroom. How can that be a good change? There is a life of learning outside the classroom and homework reflects that.

The proposed changes concerning cheating trouble me the most. In a society when the head of the IRS openly cheated on his taxes, Plano ISD needs to be extra diligent about encouraging the growth of student character with values and principles. Through a value system that focuses on hard work and integrity, we may once again live to see an America where corporate failure is not rewarded with taxpayer bailouts.

Like everyone, I hear a lot of talk about teaching for the 21st century. My vision of is that as we teach students for 21st century jobs that we don’t forget the American values that brought us this far; hard work, honor, integrity and responsibility.

“The Executive Director for Government and Community Relations for the Plano Independent School District issued the following statement: "The Plano ISD middle school grading and assessment committee began the study of grading and assessment practices at the middle school level in September 2007. The objective of their work was to insure that grading practices are consistent with the philosophy that grades should be our most accurate reflection of student knowledge and achievement. These findings are being considered in the district's administrative review process."

I am very much in favor of an open exchange of ideas but I have to ask why have we used tax payer dollars to fund a committee for a year and a half that is recommending a shift that clearly doesn’t support the values of teachers and parents. With a $17+ million deficit is the best use of district resources and time? Not only does this lack academic accountability, it is fiscally irresponsible. Plano ISD needs a change. It's time for new leadership. Vote for Steve Navarre May 9th.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre


  1. This is exactly the type of person we need serving on our school board. And he would be the only person on our board with children attending Plano schools! How ridiculous is it that we keep voting for people who don't have children in our schools or worse yet, send their children to private schools! I am all for electing someone who will expect accountablity not just of our students, but of our administrators. Good luck, Steve. I enjoyed meeting you this evening.

  2. Steve,

    I lived in Plano when there were less than 5,000 people here. I was in the Plano ISD's JROTC program. My parents still live here and I have returned for the first time in almost 20 years.

    I was stunned when this story broke nationally a couple of months ago. What an embarassment!

    You seem like just the kind of guy we need in there. You've definitely got two votes from our household.

    Is there a schedule of events where we might be able to meet you in person before election day?

    Best of luck and God Bless Texas,

    k.Dee ignatin
