Saturday, April 18, 2009

We Did It! The True Power of Parents!

I am pleased to share with you the Plano Star Courier article -

“Officials have abruptly halted a committee whose mission was to look at grading and other middle school practices in the Plano Independent School District.

In response to the closing of the committee the district released a statement.

“The middle school committee on grading and assessment has concluded its work this spring. Committee discussions will resume next fall and will be inclusive in seeking input from teachers and parents. The feedback from these groups is integral in the district’s work to improve student achievement and to maintain its quality educational program,” the district wrote. “Plano school officials have temporarily shut down a district committee that was exploring a grading policy proposal for middle schoolers that would have discontinued docking grades for cheating or late assignments.””

As a candidate and a parent, I have been the most vocal of the Place 6 candidates to work with parents and teachers to make sure these un-American policies were not enacted in our Middle Schools. From the beginning, I have challenged the Goliath that is the Plano ISD school district on this policy and with your help and the help of several other parents we have won the battle. But we have not won the war! This may be a ploy to remove this topic as a campaign issue. Like promising not to raise property taxes if the 2008 bond election was passed and then raising taxes less than a month later, this too can come back up in June if the establishment candidate is elected in Place 6. If we are going to continue to keep this and other bad ideas out of our schools then we need to make sure we elect the candidate with the strength and courage to take on the system when it goes against our values and principles.

Vote for Steve Navarre! Vote for Steve on May 9th!

Below are my blogs and calls to action around this policy:

Plano Academic Accountability:

Just Say No:

Real Power of Parents:

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

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