Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thank You For Your Support

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that helped me with my campaign for Plano ISD School Board Trustee. Without your help, I would not have been as successful in such a contested race.

When I first started my campaign, I would tell a story about the first time I ran for office. Not a real public office, but in 8th grade I ran for President of Student Council. I lost to the prettiest girl in school. I learned that day that politics is more than handing out candy for votes. Since then I had not run for any other office until now, but I sure have learned a lot. Although I was not successful in my campaign, I believe that I ran a good and honest race. I stuck to the issues that I have come to believe are important to voters and parents in Plano ISD based on both my personal beliefs and concerns voiced to me by the the many people I spoke to during the campaign season.

Emerson once wrote "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."

Heeding Emerson words, I will continue my pursuit to improve Plano schools where I can. One of projects I have in the works is a Plano ISD parent activist watchdog group to keep the pressure on the school district around issues such as curriculum, grading policies, fiscal accountability and transparency. I may not have won this election, but I consider this just the beginning. I will continue to be involved in local, county, and state politics.
In one of my favorite quotes, Theodore Roosevelt gives encouragement to me and all those that dare to make a difference in the world.

"It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

Thank you, again, for your support with my campaign.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Campaign Conservatives, Legislative Liberals

Aren’t we all tired of those establishment politicians that will say anything to get elected? When I promise that I will never vote to raise your taxes, I mean it. It’s time to elect someone that will do what they promise no matter how unpopular it is with the other school board members.

Tomorrow is the last day of early voting, Election Day is this Saturday, May 9th. Vote for Steve!

Vote for Steve!

Two Texans You Can Count On

Me with Jerry Patterson, Texas Land Commissioner



Friday, May 1, 2009

Consider Character

I have the honor of calling Steve Navarre my friend. I’ve known Steve since he was a Freshman at Texas A&M. When I heard he was running for the Plano ISD School Board, I was not surprised. He’s passionate about his kids and their future, just as his mom was about him as he was growing up. I know Steve would not sit still and watch his sons’ school district struggle with challenges without feeling compelled to find solutions. That’s just who Steve is, and who he has always been.

Steve's character was apparent the first time I met him. He’d already served his country in the Army at that young age. His love of family was evident. He talked about his saintly mother, showing maturity beyond his years by recognizing her sacrifices. He also talked about his younger brother, Joe. Joe was severely crippled by a rare form of arthritis that left him confined to a wheel chair. You would not know this until you met Joe, because Steve never mentioned that. He’d just say he was leaving for home to help his brother who was ill. Steve’s mom and Steve made many personal sacrifices to make Joe’s life brighter. And I bring this up not because I think others would not do the same, but because Steve went above and beyond what it would take to simply be a great big brother. The bond between the boys was strong, and Joe could find no one more dedicated to him than Steve, save his mother.

Sadly, Joe lost his battle with his disease and passed away on September 9th, 2001. Steve was working as a consultant and had a meeting in New York City in the Merrill Lynch Building (what we today know as WTC Building 5) scheduled for 9 o’clock, September 11th. Joe’s death saved Steve’s life. I know Steve. He would have thrown himself into service pulling others from the World Trade Center. That’s the kind of person he is. He never shrinks from service or a challenge, despite hardships it may bring him. I feel very strongly that in death Joe was able to save Steve and give him the gift of life as repayment for all the love and sacrifices Steve made during Joe’s short life.

Steve has other admirable qualities. He carries with him a strong work ethic from a grandmother who worked in a canning plant to provide for her family. When she was assured that her son was provided for, she put herself through school so she could work in the aerospace industry. She recognized the importance of education and hard work. Steve feels compelled to honor that tradition and sees the Plano ISD as a place in need of his dedication.

Steve is a strong Conservative, in the tradition of the founders of our great country. He believes in service. He sees the school board trustee as a way to serve students and the citizens financially supporting Plano ISD. He is creative in his problem solving, looking for creative ways to do more with less. This is what he has done professional for years with positive results. He is both approachable and thoughtful, treating everyone with respect yet not shrinking from his convictions. In short, Steve is a gentleman who would prove an excellent steward of the trust Plano ISD parents and tax payers would place in him.

On May 9th, consider character. Choose someone who is driven to serve not driving to claim a perceived entitlement. Plano ISD needs someone whose character shines through and whose heart is in it for the good of Plano ISD and it’s taxpayers. My friend Steve Navarre is that man. Please support him in his bid to serve his community with the passion he brings to everything he does. Plano ISD deserves someone of Steve Navarre’s caliber. Please get out the vote. Each person makes a difference.

Kevin Myers
Texas A&M Class of 1992

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Open Letter to Voters

Sometimes it is hard to remember the people that you meet at functions. There is the whole “hi, how are you? Nice to meet you. I’m whoever, with whatever.” Then you get to hear the other person introduce themselves and a cordial meet-and-greet style conversation about how you ended up where ever it is that you currently are ensues. If you are lucky, you manage to hang on to a couple of key elements of the conversation so that when you happen to run into them again you can at least remember their name. But occasionally, you will meet someone that stands out in your mind for one reason or another. That person is easily recognizable. This could be due to their name, or how they look, or if you are truly lucky, it is what they had to say while you were talking with them.

This is the thing that stood out to me most when I first met Steve Navarre. We started out our conversation as things usually go. Then we got to talking about our political views since we were standing at the Collin County Republicans Men Club monthly meeting waiting for things to get started so we could listen to Mike Williams’ informative speech that he gave to us later that evening. Steve starts telling me about why he is running for Plano ISD School Board. He is fired-up about bringing accountability to the Board of Trustees. He and I talked about how most folks don’t even realize how much of their tax money actually goes to the ISD. It is staggering if you think about it. He talked to me about trimming Bond spending to just include things that needed to be financed for long-term use such as new buildings and not things like new paint jobs or computers that will be outdated next year. He was passionate about being involved in deciding how a District that his children will attend for years to come will be run. It bothered him deeply that there was a true lack of fiscal conservatism. “This is OUR money being spent” he told me. He was excited about his plan to bring new technology trades to area schools that had been classified by many local residents as below the standard that Plano area citizens deserved and longed for. By the time we were done talking, I wanted to vote for him and I don’t even live in his District.

It was refreshing to meet someone as passionate about doing what is right for the citizens instead of what will serve to further his personal political career as I am. It was also great to meet an individual that has no fear to be the lone voice of reasoning in a society that has grown accustom to going with the flow instead of against the grain if necessary to do what is right. So, although our conversation was short it was insightful. All this and he was only a candidate. Then I traveled to Collin County Days in Austin and our paths crossed again. I got to see how he was taking his message straight to our Legislators. I thought, surely not right? He is ONLY A CANDIDATE RIGHT NOW. That didn’t faze Navarre. After traveling to Austin of his own accord to represent our County, he was not going to waste an opportunity to get his message out to anyone that would listen. I was fascinated.

This type of conviction and passion for doing what needs to be done in these tough economic times are two of the many reasons that I support Steve Navarre in his run for Plano ISD Trustee. Vote early and take all your friends with you. Don’t give up. Steve isn’t.

Wylie City Councilman David Goss

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sprinting to the Finish Line

Early voting has started and the numbers are promising for a record turnout this election. In 2 days of voting that have been reported, over 1200 voters have cast their votes. While my opponents have stopped campaigning, I will not stop until 6:59pm on May 9th. There are still 10 days left till Election Day. We are sprinting to the finish line and I ask for your continued help if we are to win this election.

I still need help with the following:

· Making phone calls to voters. I have lists of high priority voters broke into 100 named voters and a script for those interested.

· Walking neighborhoods. I will be walking neighborhoods every weekday evening between 5:30 and 8:30, this Saturday from 9:00am to 8:30pm this Sunday 1:00pm – 8:30pm

· Making sure everyone you know has a yard sign. We dropped out 30 signs yesterday alone. If the storms have damaged them, we will replace it.

· Emailing everyone you know from your family and friends to your church group to get out the vote.

· Poll greeters. On Election Day, some people will be going to vote for city council but might not have followed the school board race. One person at the poll with a sign and a smile could make the difference.

· Make sure you and your family vote.

With your help, we can win this election.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Another Great Weekend Talking to Voters

I spent a lot of time this weekend talking to voters across Plano ISD from Richardson to Murphy to Far West Plano. I had a team of dedicated supporters helping me and we had fun even though we spent a lot of time walking. We'll be back out talking to voters every day until Election Day. Come join us spread the word.

I had to share some of the highlights with you.

We try to have fun with the campaign

We had fun at Dickeys'!

My boys Steven and Chris with me at the
PSA Candidate "Meet and Greet"

Friday, April 24, 2009

A True Fiscal Conservative

Last night at the PTA Council of Plano candidate forum, one of my opponents promised to raise taxes if elected. His exact words were "what are 1 or 2 pennies..."

Many of you have already received a mailer from that candidate and proudly printed on the mailer is that he is a fiscal conservative. Maybe establishment candidates have a different definition of "fiscal conservative" but to the real world, that is not someone that wants to raise your taxes. We have plenty of wasteful spending that the school district can cut if we are talking about "1 or 2 pennies"

In these challenging economic times, good, hard working people cannot be squeezed from all sides by higher taxes from federal, state and local governments. There has never been a time more wrong to raise property taxes. I promise to never vote to raise your taxes!

You deserve the leadership on the Plano ISD board that understands what fiscal conservative means. You want real business experience on our school board to stop wasteful spending. You need a candidate that isn’t scared to stand up for the hard working people of this district and say NO to new taxes.

Tell the establishment that they need to learn what a real “fiscal conservative” candidate means by voting for the only conservative candidate running in this year’s election. Vote for Steve Navarre!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dallas Morning News Voters Guide

I believe informed voters will make the right choice in who is the best candidate. Please read my responses to the Dallas Morning News Voters Guide.

League of Women Voters of Plano - Voters Guide

I believe informed voters will make the right choice in who is the best candidate. Please read my responses to the League of Women Voters of Plano Voters Guide.


Never in Plano Schools!

Strip searching students illegal? It should be!

This can never happen in Plano schools!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Repost - Solutions – How 21st Century Skills Leads to 21st Century Jobs

Steve Navarre releases his vision of how to prepare Plano ISD schools and students for the 21st century by providing a 21st century education that creates 21st century jobs.

Building on the lead of State Senator Florence Shapiro through her Senate bills 1312 and 1313, Steve believes that Plano ISD can create an environment that promotes technology education that leads to high paying jobs.

If passed, SB 1313 will reward the development of high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs while SB 1312 creates a pilot program at the community college level aimed at targeting high school dropouts and those needing developmental educations. CTE offerings range from auto mechanics to biotechnology, computer assisted drafting and countless other offerings. Steve’s plan targets those CTE that create high paying technology jobs.

As the new 9th -10th grade high school in Murphy opens, the high school boundaries will be redrawn leaving Williams High School with a lower student population in the most economically disadvantaged area of Plano. To ensure that Williams High School is fully utilized and that the bad reputation of Williams from the late 1990s does not return, Steve believes that Plano needs a Magnet style technology high school that serves 2 distinct functions:

1. Provides a technology based Distinguished Achievement Program education for 4-year college bound math, science and engineering students.

2. Vocational training and certificate programs for technical jobs for student entering the workforce after high school graduation.

Williams High School would remain the home school for those within the Williams boundary for 9th and 10th grade but also be the home for the new Williams Tech High that would be open to any student in the district through an application process much like the Magnet schools of Houston and Dallas.

Steve was accepted and attended Booker T Washington High School and the High School for the Engineering Professions his freshman year of high school while living in inner city Houston before moving. The educational foundation he received at Booker T Washington started him down the path that led Steve to be the recipient of the Texas A&M President’s Achievement Scholarship. Steve studied Nuclear Engineering while at Texas A&M.

Steve believes that learning from, and perhaps modeling after, the New Tech High of Coppell ISD would teach education and business leaders how to make the new Williams Tech High successful. Steve has arranged the opportunity for small groups of Plano parents and leaders to take a tour of Coppell’s New Tech High over the coming weeks. If you are interested, please contact Steve at 469-878-8923 or through email at steve@idvote4steve.org.

In addition, a partnership with Collin College fully utilizes the strengths of SB1312 to make sure that each Plano child has the opportunity to not only graduate, but have high paying skills when they do.

To pay for this new program without raising taxes, Steve recommends creating the Plano ISD Technology Foundation, a nonprofit group independent of the PISD to work with to corporations to provide equipment and software. The new Plano ISD Technology Foundation would also work closely with other foundations for securing grant money for the school. In addition, Texas Education Agency has a grant funding for expanding technology and CTE programs in schools that PISD can apply for.

Lastly, Steve recommends that Williams Tech High School students in the 4 year college program include summer internships and job shadowing in 11th and 12th grades. For those not bound for college, Williams Tech High would work with job placement firms to provide jobs for graduating seniors so that they may enter the workforce as productive adults.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Real Leadership Training Makes Real Leaders

“The Nation today needs men who think in terms of service to their country and not in terms of their country’s debt to them.” - General Omar Bradley

The picture above is of my good friends from my Army unit and my brother Joe back in early spring of 1991. As a combat engineer, I was assigned to the 2nd Platoon, Echo Company, 111th Engineering, 49th Armored Division.

I proudly served my country for 8 years of military service in the US Army National Guard that included active duty service during Desert Storm, drug interdiction missions and flood rescue and relief operation in the Houston area. I was the recipient of the Army National Guard Components Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Presidential Unit Citation and the Meritorious Unit Award. I am also a life member of the National Guard Association of Texas.

Although I feel like my accomplishments were minor compared to my grandfather’s service in WWII, I served my country with honor.

I believe that it is important that we have real leadership on our school board. The US military provides the hardest leadership training course available. Nothing else compares. I am the only Plano school board candidate running this year with the commitment to my country to serve in the US military and leadership experience that comes from that training.

“A country and government such as ours are worth fighting for, and dying for, if need be.” - General W. T. Sherman

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Saturday, April 18, 2009

We Did It! The True Power of Parents!

I am pleased to share with you the Plano Star Courier article - http://www.planostar.com/articles/2009/04/17/news_update/752.txt:

“Officials have abruptly halted a committee whose mission was to look at grading and other middle school practices in the Plano Independent School District.

In response to the closing of the committee the district released a statement.

“The middle school committee on grading and assessment has concluded its work this spring. Committee discussions will resume next fall and will be inclusive in seeking input from teachers and parents. The feedback from these groups is integral in the district’s work to improve student achievement and to maintain its quality educational program,” the district wrote. “Plano school officials have temporarily shut down a district committee that was exploring a grading policy proposal for middle schoolers that would have discontinued docking grades for cheating or late assignments.””

As a candidate and a parent, I have been the most vocal of the Place 6 candidates to work with parents and teachers to make sure these un-American policies were not enacted in our Middle Schools. From the beginning, I have challenged the Goliath that is the Plano ISD school district on this policy and with your help and the help of several other parents we have won the battle. But we have not won the war! This may be a ploy to remove this topic as a campaign issue. Like promising not to raise property taxes if the 2008 bond election was passed and then raising taxes less than a month later, this too can come back up in June if the establishment candidate is elected in Place 6. If we are going to continue to keep this and other bad ideas out of our schools then we need to make sure we elect the candidate with the strength and courage to take on the system when it goes against our values and principles.

Vote for Steve Navarre! Vote for Steve on May 9th!

Below are my blogs and calls to action around this policy:

Plano Academic Accountability: http://blogs.idvote4steve.org/2009/04/repost-plano-academic-accountability.html

Just Say No: http://blogs.idvote4steve.org/2009/04/just-say-no.html

Real Power of Parents: http://blogs.idvote4steve.org/2009/04/real-power-of-parents-and-tea-parties.html

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Values and Principles in Politics

At 13 years old I was honored to meet President Reagan in the Oval office with my mom, my younger brother Joe and the actress Victoria Principle. My brother was the National Poster Child for the Arthritis Foundation that year and we were invited to the Washington for a week and the White House for the day. This was an amazing experience for a middle school age boy from inner city Houston. I will never forget my time in Washington or the time I met President Ronald Reagan.

It was that moment in the Oval Office standing in front of President Reagan that I knew I was a real conservative. It really is something you feel in your heart, not just in your head.

Before that day in the White House, my grandfather was already a big influence in my political life. He was clear in telling me how he felt and what he believed in. His values were very much conservative and his favorite person was President Reagan. Interesting thing is that he called himself a Democrat. His conservative values help shape my values. Both President Reagan and my grandfather believed that government was the problem, not the solution. I share those conservative values.

I’m tired of politicians that have no values and no principles. Those politicians tell people anything they want to hear so that the politicians can get elected. They blow like the trees in the wind, bending and bowing from side to side. Their only agenda is to get elected and stay elected at all cost. I see it almost every day while I challenge the establishment in my campaign. That is not who I am.

There are people that might not like my values or my principles but they will never accuse me of not having any. The promises I make are the promises I keep.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Values and Principles - the 9-12 Project

At the origin of America, our Founding Fathers built this country on 28 powerful principles. These principles were culled from all over the world and from centuries of great thinkers. We have distilled the original 28 down to the 9 basic principles. (http://www.912project.com/)

I strongly agree with these values and principles. These should be taught in every school to every student, and not as a history lesson.

9 Principles

1. America Is Good.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
God “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” from George Washington’s first Inaugural address.

3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
Honesty “I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider to be the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” George Washington

4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government. Marriage/Family “It is in the love of one’s family only that heartfelt happiness is known. By a law of our nature, we cannot be happy without the endearing connections of a family.” Thomas Jefferson

5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it. Justice “I deem one of the essential principles of our government… equal and exact justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.” Thomas Jefferson

6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results. Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness “Everyone has a natural right to choose that vocation in life which he thinks most likely to give him comfortable subsistence.” Thomas Jefferson

7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable. Charity “It is not everyone who asketh that deserveth charity; all however, are worth of the inquiry or the deserving may suffer.” George Washington

8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion. On your right to disagree “In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude; every man will speak as he thinks, or more properly without thinking.” George Washington

9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me. Who works for whom? “I consider the people who constitute a society or a nation as the source of all authority in that nation.” Thomas Jefferson

12 Values

  • Honesty

  • Reverence

  • Hope

  • Thrift

  • Humility

  • Charity

  • Sincerity

  • Moderation

  • Hard Work

  • Courage

  • Personal Responsibility

  • Gratitude

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Endorsement from David Hall

The Real Power of Parents and the TEA Parties

I wanted to attend the presentation “Power of Parents” tonight at Murphy Middle School. Unfortunately the “Power of Parents” presentation is scheduled on Tax Day and the day where TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties are scheduled all across the country with several in the DFW area. I will be attending the TEA Party in Plano this evening and encourage all of my supporters to attend with me.

As a parent with children currently in Plano schools, I truly believe in the power of the parents. But I can sum up the power of parents in one word: VOTE!

If you want to change school financing then VOTE!

If you want to change 4x4 then VOTE!

If you don’t want your property taxes raised then VOTE!

Voting is the true power of parents. If parents stand together and vote together then they are unstoppable. When school board members, state representatives, or Congress members stop acting in your best interest and no longer represent your values and principles you have to vote for someone who does if you really want things to change. In Plano we elect school board members with less that 7,000 votes out of 169,000 registered voters.

And we wonder why they raise our property taxes just weeks after voters approved the last bond.

This brings me to the reason that I will be at a TEA Party tonight. While we focus on national politics, local school districts take 65 % of our property taxes and they continue to ask for more. If we are ever going to clean up the waste in Washington and in Austin, we have to clean out own house first.

Plano ISD school board members and executive administrators actively lobby Austin for the power to raise taxes without voter approval. That is un-American! And what is worse is that they use tax payer money to make those trips to Austin to lobby to raise our taxes.

I know everyone in Plano feels like we are Taxed Enough Already. We don't want our property taxes raised!

I promise these 2 things if elected:

1. I will always vote against raising your taxes.

2. I will not use tax payer money to take trips to Austin to lobby against taxpayers.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Friday, April 10, 2009

Just Say No!

Dallas Morning News Article on Plano Grading Policy Changes:


Thursday night, at the Plano Homeowners Council Candidate Forum, I offered a way for the school district and school board to end the controversy surrounding the district's proposed changes to middle school grading and cheating policies. I call it the “Just Say No” plan. School district officials and school board members need to “Just Say No!” They need to stand up for parents and teachers as I have and promise that policy changes that are so far removed from American core values will never make it to a vote in a school board meeting. They need to stop the nonsense of watering down education and standards. They have the power to prevent this if they really want to exercise it.

“Just Say No” is so simple that most politicians can’t grasp the idea. They would rather continue to spin answers to the press and parents, but their answers are less sincere with each passing day. I am running for Place 6 in this May’s election because I feel a calling do provide voters with a candidate who is a parent and an honest, hard working American. I am not the politician my “establishment” opponent is. If you think he will act against the current establishment that supports him on any issue if he is elected, then I have some Plano beach front property to sell you. At least my other 2 opponents openly tell the public they are in favor of proposed homework changes.


If you want to make certain policies that take accountability out of education don’t quietly slip into place after the election you have two things you must do:

1. Contact all of the officials and school board members below via email and phone and tell them to “Just Say No.” If a school board member won’t “Just Say No” to these changes, they need to be removed from office when they are up for re-election.

2. Vote for the parent with the leadership to stand up for American values. Vote for Steve Navarre May 9th.

Karla Oliver
Executive Director, Government and Community Relations
(469) 752-8150

Dr. Douglas Otto
(469) 752-8122

Duncan Webb
Place 1
(469) 752-8284

Mary Beth King
Place 2
(469) 752-8278

John Muns
Place 3
(469) 752-8917

Brad Shanklin
Vice-president - Place 4
(469) 752-8993

Lloyd "Skip" Jenkins
President - Place 5
(469) 752-8282

Melody Timinsky
Place 6
(469) 752-8283

Missy Bender
Secretary - Place 7
(469) 752-8264

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Easter is an important time to me and my family and in reverence to the Easter holiday I will not be campaigning on Good Friday or Easter Sunday.

In this time of economic instability and uncertainty, more and more people are finding it harder to put food on the table. I understand how that can be. I grew up, what people like to call “economically disadvantaged.” The truth is we called it poor. I worked hard my to make a better life for me and my children and God has blessed me.

It is easy to give at Christmas and at Thanksgiving when everyone is in the Christmas spirit but Easter is my time to give back. I encourage all my campaign supporters to do the same. Contact God Food Pantry right here in Plano and donate tomorrow and Friday. Help give someone an Easter Sunday that they might not have otherwise without our support. Share the blessings God has given you with a family in need. I will be sharing my blessings this Easter.


Matthew 25:31-46

Repost - Plano Academic Accountability?

I am reposting this blog becauses parents and teachers ask me about this the most.

Cheating? No Homework? No Problem In Plano ISD


“According to several Plano Independent School District teachers, they have been informed that beginning next school year, homework will no longer be required for middle school students. And the grades for homework assignments that are assigned will not apply to students' report card grades...

Teachers say there are also some proposed changes concerning cheating, or as the district refers to it, "academic dishonesty." If a middle school student is caught cheating, he or she would be allowed to redo the assignment or complete an alternate assignment. Currently, students caught cheating in the Plano ISD are given a grade of zero on that assignment.”

Although I didn’t see the original airing on CBS last week, a concerned parent approached me with this story at a candidate forum on Tuesday. In disbelief, I promised to look into the matter. The story aired again yesterday morning on Fox 4 while I was traveling to a client in Oklahoma City. As early as 7:00 am, I started receiving calls, text messages and emails from several upset parents.

I have been told by a school district official that I trust that this came about as an open discussion of ideas and options and the recommendation for this type of homework - grading policy shift has not made it to the executive staff or the school board. Regardless, I want to make it very clear to parents, teachers, and taxpayers that I DO NOT support any of the reported changes in homework and grading policies.

Homework is an important aspect of real life learning. Removing homework removes the ability for students to think outside the classroom. How can that be a good change? There is a life of learning outside the classroom and homework reflects that.

The proposed changes concerning cheating trouble me the most. In a society when the head of the IRS openly cheated on his taxes, Plano ISD needs to be extra diligent about encouraging the growth of student character with values and principles. Through a value system that focuses on hard work and integrity, we may once again live to see an America where corporate failure is not rewarded with taxpayer bailouts.

Like everyone, I hear a lot of talk about teaching for the 21st century. My vision of is that as we teach students for 21st century jobs that we don’t forget the American values that brought us this far; hard work, honor, integrity and responsibility.

“The Executive Director for Government and Community Relations for the Plano Independent School District issued the following statement: "The Plano ISD middle school grading and assessment committee began the study of grading and assessment practices at the middle school level in September 2007. The objective of their work was to insure that grading practices are consistent with the philosophy that grades should be our most accurate reflection of student knowledge and achievement. These findings are being considered in the district's administrative review process."

I am very much in favor of an open exchange of ideas but I have to ask why have we used tax payer dollars to fund a committee for a year and a half that is recommending a shift that clearly doesn’t support the values of teachers and parents. With a $17+ million deficit is the best use of district resources and time? Not only does this lack academic accountability, it is fiscally irresponsible. Plano ISD needs a change. It's time for new leadership. Vote for Steve Navarre May 9th.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Monday, April 6, 2009

“Take Back Our Schools 2009” Concert and Rally

(Randy Hooper and Me)

The first annual “Take Back Our Schools 2009” Concert and Rally at Love and War in Texas on Saturday night was a great success. Supporters, teachers and parents gathered together to enjoyed the beautiful evening weather and the great music of Randy Hopper. Through my life, I have found that sometimes the relaxed approach is the best way to get people talking about what they want and what they need done. It is no different when talking about our schools. I’ve heard loud and clear that it all comes down to accountability, communication and transparency. Parents and teachers want more of each of those areas in our school district.

Everyone has been ready for my positive message of change and new ideas for making our schools what we have all come to expect. Parents want ideas like Williams Tech High to slow our dropout rate and prepare our children for high paying 21st century jobs. Teachers want ideas like outsourcing human resources, not only to reduce school district cost but to remove the politics from the hiring practices in our district. People want real solutions, not empty talk or promises.

Teachers also want someone with leadership to help balance the budget without laying-off teachers. Parents want someone that has the leadership to balance the budget without increasing classroom sizes. Everyone wants leadership that will balance the budget without raising taxes. People want that leadership and business experience that is currently lacking on the current school board.

For 10 years, I have brought that leadership, experience, new ideas and real solutions to companies around the world. Now is the time that we bring that leadership to the Plano ISD school board. Vote for leadership and experience that brings a positive change to our schools. Vote for Steve Navarre on May 9th.

I want to thank Ty and Tory at Love and War in Texas, for supporting my campaign and allowing me to bring parents and teachers together on a beautiful spring night to listen to local music. I want to thank Randy Hopper for providing his legendary music for my event. All three guys are hardworking, honest people that I am thankful to know.

For those that did not make it out to the concert, we still have a few shirts left that we will be giving away to those that donate to the campaign (that way you can have a little bit of history). Send me an email if you are interested in a shirt.



Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Busy weekend

This Saturday I was excited to attend the Carpenter Middle School Family Fun Jam during the day. The weather was great and the school was packed. I have to say the Chili contest was one of my high points. I was able to walk away with some good bargains from the silent auction going to a great cause. Talking to a lot of parents and teachers that afternoon, they all worry about the same things; proposed middle school policy changes on homework and cheating, the district rising taxes, and declining property values. My message and solutions were well received, although I think most parents really like the idea of someone from their neighborhood representing them on the school board.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Website Success and Campaign Update

With a new month starting, I wanted to give everyone a quick update on the campaign.

The IdVote4Steve.org site is a stunning success! The site has been up for less than a month now and the numbers are incredible for a local school board election. Over 3,000 visitors in March have come out to the site to see our message. That is half the number of votes cast in last year’s school board election. The Internet Age has is here.

We have momentum going into April. Grassroots efforts to get the message out are working and our supporters continue to grow each day. Check the events page on the site each day as new businesses signup on to host events. The next big event is “Take Back Our Schools 2009” concert and rally Saturday night at Love and War in Texas.

And even though things look good right now we can’t let up yet. We have to continue to get the vote out. We have to get out and VOTE. Your vote will count in this election!

Early voting starts April 27th and May 9th is Election Day.

Thank you for the support.

I have a goal to get my last 200 yard signs out in the next week. Tell your friends they need a sign!

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Monday, March 30, 2009

Change of Plans

At the last minute tonight I was pulled away from my plans to attend the Plano ISD Town Hall meeting about “proposed” changes to the state accountability system and instead to attend a local Christie Elementary PTA fundraiser at CiCi’s Pizza on Spring Creek and Alma. I received a phone call from the local community leader, volunteer and supporter, Thomas Mendillo, around 5:15 and it didn’t take him long to convince me that my place tonight was to support my PTA and talk with the parents in my own neighborhood. One thing I consistently heard tonight from parents was that they didn’t understand why there was a town hall meeting tonight about changes that haven’t happen yet and were outspoken about the fact that there has to be more pressing issues for the school board to discuss. I have to say I agree with them. A better town hall topic would have been how the school board plans to balance the $17.5 million budget deficit.

Me and Thomas Mendillo

Thank you to Mike the Manager at Cici’s Pizza at Spring Creek and Alma for letting me put up campaign signs and talk to Christie Elementary parents tonight while we raised money for our PTA.

Me and Mike the Cici's Manager
(This is not an endorsement from Cici’s Pizza)

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Solutions – How 21st Century Skills Leads to 21st Century Jobs

Steve Navarre releases his vision of how to prepare Plano ISD schools and students for the 21st century by providing a 21st century education that creates 21st century jobs.

Building on the lead of State Senator Florence Shapiro through her Senate bills 1312 and 1313, Steve believes that Plano ISD can create an environment that promotes technology education that leads to high paying jobs.

If passed, SB 1313 will reward the development of high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs while SB 1312 creates a pilot program at the community college level aimed at targeting high school dropouts and those needing developmental educations. CTE offerings range from auto mechanics to biotechnology, computer assisted drafting and countless other offerings. Steve’s plan targets those CTE that create high paying technology jobs.

As the new 9th -10th grade high school in Murphy opens, the high school boundaries will be redrawn leaving Williams High School with a lower student population in the most economically disadvantaged area of Plano. To ensure that Williams High School is fully utilized and that the bad reputation of Williams from the late 1990s does not return, Steve believes that Plano needs a Magnet style technology high school that serves 2 distinct functions:

1. Provides a technology based Distinguished Achievement Program education for 4-year college bound math, science and engineering students.

2. Vocational training and certificate programs for technical jobs for student entering the workforce after high school graduation.

Williams High School would remain the home school for those within the Williams boundary for 9th and 10th grade but also be the home for the new Williams Tech High that would be open to any student in the district through an application process much like the Magnet schools of Houston and Dallas.

Steve was accepted and attended Booker T Washington High School and the High School for the Engineering Professions his freshman year of high school while living in inner city Houston before moving. The educational foundation he received at Booker T Washington started him down the path that led Steve to be the recipient of the Texas A&M President’s Achievement Scholarship. Steve studied Nuclear Engineering while at Texas A&M.

Steve believes that learning from, and perhaps modeling after, the New Tech High of Coppell ISD would teach education and business leaders how to make the new Williams Tech High successful. Steve has arranged the opportunity for small groups of Plano parents and leaders to take a tour of Coppell’s New Tech High over the coming weeks. If you are interested, please contact Steve at 469-878-8923 or through email at steve@idvote4steve.org.

In addition, a partnership with Collin College fully utilizes the strengths of SB1312 to make sure that each Plano child has the opportunity to not only graduate, but have high paying skills when they do.

To pay for this new program without raising taxes, Steve recommends creating the Plano ISD Technology Foundation, a nonprofit group independent of the PISD to work with to corporations to provide equipment and software. The new Plano ISD Technology Foundation would also work closely with other foundations for securing grant money for the school. In addition, Texas Education Agency has a grant funding for expanding technology and CTE programs in schools that PISD can apply for.

Lastly, Steve recommends that Williams Tech High School students in the 4 year college program include summer internships and job shadowing in 11th and 12th grades. For those not bound for college, Williams Tech High would work with job placement firms to provide jobs for graduating seniors so that they may enter the workforce as productive adults.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Shiner Sunday was a Success!

I want to give a big "thank you" to Tye and Tory for letting me set up my mobile campaign headquarters today at Love and War in Texas during their “FIRST SHINER SUNDAY OF THE YEAR” event. I met with over 700 people today making new supporters from Plano and new friends from all across Collin County.

Love and War in Texas, like many local businesses support Steve Navarre for the next Plano ISD School Board Trustee in Place 6. Love and War in Texas understands that school district property taxes affect businesses as much, if not more than it affects homeowners. Like all business leaders, they have learned that to be successful, they have to “do more with less.” That is the experience and leadership they want in the next school board trustee. I am the only candidate that brings that real life business experience to Place 6.

Please join us at Love and War in Texas Saturday April 9th at 7:30 for a concert and rally featuring local Texas musician Randy Hopper.

(Tory, Steve and Randy Hopper)

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Thursday, March 26, 2009

With High Expectations comes TAKS Success!

In Texas all 8th graders must pass the reading and math TAKS exams in order to move on to 9th grade. The state does allow each child to take the reading and math test up to three times if they did not pass on the first administration. As a parent of an 8th grader at Armstrong Middle School, I understand the TAKS requirements all too well.

I’m not a big fan of TAKS testing because I feel there is a tendency to teach to the lowest common denominator, which is to “just pass” the test. However, when a high expectation of academic excellence is a priority, students can push beyond just passing the test. Haggard Middle School is a great example.

Haggard Middle School scored 100% on the reading TAKS exam for 8th grade reading. They were 1 of 2 middles schools out of 12 in PISD to hit 100%. At the time of this blog I do not have the name of the other middle school but I congratulate them also!

The average scale score was a 2472. Students need a 2100 to pass and a 2400 to make commended which means that Haggard students mastered at least 90% of the exam. 72% of Haggard’s 8th grade students passed the commended mark.

“This is a testimony that academic excellence is a priority of ours at Haggard, and our students and teachers are working hard to meet the highest of expectations.” - Haggard eNews

Haggard Middle School has shown that with high expectations, Plano students can go beyond passing the test. Although I believe we need a better measure of how students are learning in the classroom and a better way to measure academic accountability, the TAKS system is the rule in Texas. We have to play by the same rules other districts do and will until the laws are changed. Haggard 8th graders prove that regardless of what the state of Texas uses to measure students, that when we teach beyond “just passing” Plano students will excel.

I personally commend the student, teachers and parents at Haggard on a great job and for setting the bar high for the rest of Plano middle schools.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Don't Buy Stuff

Before I continue blogging about school district fiscal accountability and transparency, I thought I would interject a little humor. In reality, this SNL skit should be required viewing for all elected officials in Washington, Austin, and right here in Plano. Plano needs real business leadership on our school board. Please vote for Steve Navarre on May 9th.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Plano Academic Accountability?

Cheating? No Homework? No Problem In Plano ISD


According to several Plano Independent School District teachers, they have been informed that beginning next school year, homework will no longer be required for middle school students. And the grades for homework assignments that are assigned will not apply to students' report card grades...

Teachers say there are also some proposed changes concerning cheating, or as the district refers to it, "academic dishonesty." If a middle school student is caught cheating, he or she would be allowed to redo the assignment or complete an alternate assignment. Currently, students caught cheating in the Plano ISD are given a grade of zero on that assignment.”

Although I didn’t see the original airing on CBS last week, a concerned parent approached me with this story at a candidate forum on Tuesday. In disbelief, I promised to look into the matter. The story aired again yesterday morning on Fox 4 while I was traveling to a client in Oklahoma City. As early as 7:00 am, I started receiving calls, text messages and emails from several upset parents.

I have been told by a school district official that I trust that this came about as an open discussion of ideas and options and the recommendation for this type of homework - grading policy shift has not made it to the executive staff or the school board. Regardless, I want to make it very clear to parents, teachers, and taxpayers that I DO NOT support any of the reported changes in homework and grading policies.

Homework is an important aspect of real life learning. Removing homework removes the ability for students to think outside the classroom. How can that be a good change? There is a life of learning outside the classroom and homework reflects that.

The proposed changes concerning cheating trouble me the most. In a society when the head of the IRS openly cheated on his taxes, Plano ISD needs to be extra diligent about encouraging the growth of student character with values and principles. Through a value system that focuses on hard work and integrity, we may once again live to see an America where corporate failure is not rewarded with taxpayer bailouts.

Like everyone, I hear a lot of talk about teaching for the 21st century. My vision of is that as we teach students for 21st century jobs that we don’t forget the American values that brought us this far; hard work, honor, integrity and responsibility.

The Executive Director for Government and Community Relations for the Plano Independent School District issued the following statement: "The Plano ISD middle school grading and assessment committee began the study of grading and assessment practices at the middle school level in September 2007. The objective of their work was to insure that grading practices are consistent with the philosophy that grades should be our most accurate reflection of student knowledge and achievement. These findings are being considered in the district's administrative review process."

I am very much in favor of an open exchange of ideas but I have to ask why have we used tax payer dollars to fund a committee for a year and a half that is recommending a shift that clearly doesn’t support the values of teachers and parents. With a $17+ million deficit is the best use of district resources and time? Not only does this lack academic accountability, it is fiscally irresponsible. Plano ISD needs a change. It's time for new leadership. Vote for Steve Navarre May 9th.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Monday, March 16, 2009

Support Local Government Transparency

Even without as $17 million deficit, it is important for taxpayers to see where Plano ISD money is being spent. An online registry of all expenses will bring accountability to every district purchase.

From the Texas Taxpayers website:


"Sign the petition to send a message to your legislator!

(taken from the website)
As a taxpayer in Texas, I want all levels of government to post their expenditures online and as close to real-time as possible. This will give all citizens not only the tools for accountability necessary to make wise decisions, but increase our confidence in the effective use of our tax dollars.

In 2007 the Legislature gave Texas taxpayers access to information about how our state tax dollars are being spent – expenditures, grants and contracts. Now it's time for that same level of fiscal transparency to be available with our local taxes as well.

The Legislature should ensure all governmental entities in Texas post their expenditures in an easily accessible and searchable format that can found on the front-page of their websites."

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Physically Fit Texas Students Do Well On Achievement Tests


This is great news if we can get the group in Austin to understand and support more physical fitness in our schools. As a supporter of the NFL Network's "Keep Gym in School" program (http://www.keepgyminschool.com/), I have openly argued with Texas House Education Committee staffers about the importance of physical fitness in schools and why the state should make it a priority.

As a Plano school board trustee, I will work here in the district and in Austin to give students every opportunity to succeed.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Monday, March 9, 2009

Plano ISD and Sex Education

After last week’s Texas Freedom Network report about sex education in Texas school, I have had heard a lot of parent's comments and questions about what is taught in Plano ISD schools. Below is an article from last week in the Plano Star Courier that addresses those questions. As a parent with 3 boys in school, I make it a point to head to the schools, watch the videos and ask the counselors question about what is taught in the classroom. Parents need to be active in the process. The information should be accurate and age appropriate. As a candidate, I support local control of what is taught in our public school, including sexual education.


Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Makes a Qualified Candidate?

What makes a qualified candidate?

Qualifications are not subjective. You either have them or you don’t. So, what qualifications should a candidate for school board have?

The only positions more important than school administration are parents and teachers. School boards shape fiscal and educational policies. They determine not only what your children learn and how they learn it, but how resources are provided for that education. The first responsibility of any school board is fiscal responsibility. Without money there are no teachers, no schools, and no resources. If a school board is running a multi-million dollar budget deficit, then something is clearly not working and a new perspective is needed.

Electing candidates and supporting incumbents who maintain the status quo and refuse to change patterns of irresponsible spending behaviors need to be told by parents and other concerned voters that they are failing. What is the best way to do that? Elect a new candidate!

The most qualified candidate should be passionate about helping children, forward-thinking about improvements and methodologies, innovative about new approaches to resolve stagnation, and above all, know what works and what doesn’t from a real world perspective.

Plano ISD needs a candidate like Steve Navarre. He is impassioned about improving the districts ratings, processes and educational opportunities because he has children in the district. His experience in the IT industry is a testament to his forward-thinking and innovation because he knows what it means to solve problems dealing with millions of dollars in resources and plan for the future. And, he is knowledgeable about business decision-making and knows that the best intentions are not enough if it means failure.

The children of Plano ISD deserve someone dedicated to the betterment of their schools. They deserve more than the status quo that has resulted in a $17 million dollar budget shortfall that will further degrade their educational options. They deserve a candidate who is not looking for another feather in their cap. They deserve a candidate not looking to toot his own horn shouting, “look at everything I do.” Instead, they deserve a true business leader with real business experience. They deserve someone who will standing up and say that Plano ISD needs to make a change. They deserve Steve Navarre.

And that is why...I’D VOTE FOR STEVE!!!

Blog by Diana Carroll
Carroll Creative House

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Answers to the Eagle Forum Questionnaire for School Board Candidates

I challenge all school board candidates to answer and publically post their responses.


I will gladly discuss the details behind why I answered these question for all that ask. Recently I sat down with a parent to discuss this questionnaire and other topics. I am open to all ideas that lead to better Plano schools.

School Board Candidate Questionnaire


1. Do you believe schools should give primary emphasis to teaching basic skills (e.g. reading, grammar, spelling, arithmetic) rather than social or psychological matters?


2. Do you support the use of intensive, systematic phonics to teach first-grade children how to read?


3. Do you support the goal that children should be able to read by the end of the first grade?


4. Do you support the teaching of abstinence as the norm for unmarried teenagers and as the only truly effective way to prevent sexually-transmitted diseases?


5. Do you believe the topics of homosexuality and alternative lifestyles should be excluded from the classroom?


6. Do you support teaching that the use of illegal drugs and the unlawful use of alcohol are "wrong"?


7. Do you reject classroom instruction that downgrades American sovereignty, limited constitutional government, or private enterprise?



8. Do you support local control of education, with accountability through the local school board, rather than federal control exercised through federal and state bureaucracies and business partnerships?


9. Do you reject federal control of curriculum through the Goals 2000 and School-to-Work laws?


10. Do you oppose the establishment of school-based health clinics, which may perform examinations, provide immunizations and medications, and dispense birth control devices and abortion referrals, without parental consent or knowledge?


11. Do you oppose the collection and maintenance of data on student health, performance, attitudes, behavior, and family, as well as academics, in computerized databases?


12. Do you oppose allowing the school district to deduct money from the paychecks of school employees and forward it to political funds without the annual written consent of each employee?



13. Do you believe in the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children?


14. Do you support a school board policy allowing parents the right to inspect and review instructional materials and methods?


15. Do you support a school board policy forbidding psychological evaluations, testing, treatment, or physical examinations of students without prior written parental consent?


16. Do you believe parental consent should be required prior to giving information and care to students regarding sexuality and reproductive health?


17. Do you oppose requiring students to answer nosy questionnaires about sex, drugs, suicide, and family behavior without prior written parental consent?


18. Do you support the right of parents to homeschool their children?


Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Meet My Team - Diana Carroll

Diana Carroll Biography, Advertising Consultant - Diana Carroll is a highly versatile advertising and marketing professional. Born and raised in Houston, she graduated from the Art Institute in 1991 and began a productive advertising career shortly thereafter. Combining her innate creative ability with top notch project management skills, she has excelled at insuring on-target, on-time and on-budget advertising and marketing solutions for her clients. She moved to Dallas in 2002 and worked to set up and manage the Creative and Production Services department for a local niche agency in Addison, Texas until this past December. Currently contracting, she strives to give her clients effective creative and superior production services.Although Diana currently resides in Carrollton, she is passionate about children and their needs as she is a devoted aunt of three nephews ages 13, 11 and 1 and two nieces ages 8 and 1-month.

If you like to volunteer for my campaign, please contact me at Steve@IdVote4Steve.org

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Meet My Team - Jane Hansen

Jane Hansen Biography, Campaign Treasurer - Jane Hansen is a licensed Texas CPA with 24 years of experience. She graduated from the University of Iowa in 1984, passed the CPA exam in the same year, and moved to DFW to start her career. Her specialty is taxation, but she also has extensive experience in general ledger accounting, cash management, payroll and budgeting. During her career she has worked in public accounting and various industry positions. She was Tax Manager with one of the largest DFW local firms, Henry, Held & Reilly LLP, for 7 years. She left the firm in 2004 when she was employed by a long-term client, who is still her employer.

Jane resides in Plano, and has a vested interest in making sure our school system is the highest quality possible.

If you like to volunteer for my campaign, please contact me at Steve@IdVote4Steve.org

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Meet My Team - Neal Rapoport

Neal Rapoport, Campaign Adviser - Neal is a seasoned entrepreneur. He graduated from the University of Arizona in 1991, and moved to Dallas in 1993 and Plano in 2000. Neal started a popular deals & coupons site in 2004 and just sold it in 2008. Prior to that, he has been part owner in 2 consulting businesses, and worked for companies such as Microsoft & CompuCom. Currently Neal is in the process of looking at new business opportunities as either an angel investor or starting another business himself.

Neal also resides in Plano, and has 3 children in the Plano School District, so he is very supportive of Steve’s initiatives to make the schools even better.

If you like to volunteer for my campaign, please contact me at Steve@IdVote4Steve.org

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Meet My Team - Steve Trew

It takes a team to smoothly run a campaign. I have been blessed with strong grassroots supporters with diverse backgrounds. I would like to take the time over the next few blogs to introduce those people that support my campaign daily with their hard work. The first profile I would like to share is Steve Trew, my campaign photographer. You will see him snapping away in the background at almost every event.

Steve Trew Biography, Campaign Photographer - I began my love affair with photography when I was about 13 years old when my parents bought a Pentax K1000. Carrying it with me everywhere I went, I had my parents subscribe to every photography magazine I could find. I began my formal education in photography in high school and continued into college. At 18 I started shooting professionally for Sears. After a couple of years with them I got a job working in a darkroom for a company that made manuals for the Army. While working there I began freelance work, mostly shooting aspiring models and weddings. After taking a four year hiatus from shooting professionally to serve in the US Air Force, I jumped right back into photography as soon as I could helping local photographer Bill Bunch with dance and sports portraits. Later, I worked for a couple of studios in the Dallas area all the while shooting freelance once again. Photography has been a lifelong passion and I see no end in sight.

If you like to volunteer for my campaign, please contact me at Steve@IdVote4Steve.org

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre


While Plano ISD budget deficit swells to over $17 million, taxpayers have a right to know where the money goes. My campaign stands on three platforms: accountability, communication, and transparency. This video post by Michael Quinn Sullivan shows my values on fiscal transparency that is needed in Texas schools.

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Campaign Pictures

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thank You T-Mobile

I want to send a big Thank You to T-Mobile for providing the G1 phone for me to use in my campaign at thier cost. The power of the G1 phone gives me the ability to answer voter emails, update Facebook, post to Twitter, text message event information to supporters and blog important issues during my campaign without being tied to my laptop. Technology is amazing!

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Papers are Filed

This morning I finally filed the papers for me to be on the May 9th ballot for the Plano School Board Trustee Place 6 elections. Unlike most every other candidate that filed Monday, I spend most of this week in Austin and wasn’t able to file until my first full day back in town. While in Austin I met with several North Texas State Representatives, officials from several North Texas counties, various committee staffers and a meeting with one of Governor Perry’s staff. All those meetings took me well into the afternoon on Wednesday. It was a great experience that morphed from a couple days in Austin for Collin County Days into a fulltime mission for me to talk and listen to everyone I could. I have a long road ahead of me in this campaign with biggest step taken today. Here I come!

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Day of Accountability

Strategies for the future and fiscal responsibility were on the agenda at the 2009 Tri-County Legislative Luncheon in Austin this Monday, February 9. Steve Navarre, candidate for Place 6 on the Plano Independent School District Board of Trustees, attended this exciting two-day event focused on the interests of Collin, Denton and Grayson Counties in North Texas.

Meeting with community and school leaders from his area, Mr. Navarre spoke about the need for accountability, communication and transparency in Plano ISD’s school dealings and for all public school systems in Texas. Keynote speaker, Governor Rick Perry, lauded Texas’ ability to resolve fiscal deficits without federal intervention. Like Governor Perry, Steve Navarre believes local school systems should heed this message. "We must take lessons from the private sector and govern ourselves responsibly in these trying economic times," said Mr. Navarre, "It is our duty to our children who are the future of our state and the nation."

Blog by Diana Carroll
Carroll Creative House

Political advertising authorized by Steve Navarre